How To

How to Order & Purchase on

Quick Overview

Browse A Giant Shop or anywhere items are displayed across our site.

  1. Select item(s) then click “Add to Basket”
  2. Proceed to Checkout
  3. Fill out Details
  4. Make Payments
  5. Item Purchased!
  6. Your order has been placed automatically.

Detailed Overview

  1. Choose your item with the desired options selected; colour, size, etc.
    Click “Add to Basket” (Add several items to your basket if you like).
  2. Proceed to “Checkout”
  3. (Double-check items and options in your ‘Basket’).
  4. Fill out the necessary personal information details required for ordering.
  5. Make Payments via our payment options.
  6. Item Purchased!
  7. Your order has been placed automatically.

When your order has been made and payments have been received your item(s) will begin production.

A Giant Shop